Natalie Schubert, Daida CEO on Mentorship in Tech:

In an industry that thrives on innovation and disruption, the tech sector presents a vibrant landscape filled with opportunities for growth and leadership. However, it’s no secret that women have historically been underrepresented in this field. As we navigate the 21st century, the importance of mentorship in fostering the next generation of women leaders in tech cannot be overstated. Through the guidance of experienced professionals like Natalie Schubert, CEO of Daida, mentorship programs are emerging as pivotal platforms for empowering women in technology.

engineer mentoring an intern in an office

The Current Landscape

The Gender Gap in Tech

Despite significant strides towards equality, the gender gap in technology remains a prominent issue. Women account for a disproportionately small percentage of the workforce in STEM fields, facing barriers to entry and advancement. This disparity is not just a workforce issue; it’s a matter of untapped potential in innovation, diversity of thought, and leadership.

The Power of Representation

Seeing women in leadership roles within tech companies is empowering for upcoming female professionals. It signals that success is attainable and challenges are surmountable. Representation matters, as it helps to break down stereotypes and change perceptions about who can be a leader in the tech industry.

The Role of Mentorship

Bridging the Gap

Mentorship serves as a critical tool in bridging the gender gap in tech. By providing guidance, advice, and support, mentors play a crucial role in nurturing the career development of women in the sector. They help mentees navigate the complexities of the tech industry, from technical challenges to workplace dynamics.

Developing Skills and Confidence

Mentorship goes beyond mere professional guidance; it’s about building confidence and developing a skill set that prepares women for leadership roles. Mentors provide a safe space for mentees to ask questions, make mistakes, and learn from them. This process is invaluable in developing not just technical competencies but also soft skills such as communication, negotiation, and leadership.

Creating Networks

One of the underappreciated aspects of mentorship is its role in network building. Mentors can introduce mentees to a wide array of professionals within the tech community, opening doors to opportunities that might otherwise remain closed. These networks can be pivotal in finding collaborators, job opportunities, and support systems that are crucial for career advancement.

Challenges to Effective Mentorship

Finding the Right Match

The effectiveness of a mentorship relationship often hinges on the compatibility between the mentor and the mentee. Finding the right match, with aligned goals, interests, and communication styles, can be challenging but is crucial for a fruitful mentorship experience.

Time Constraints

Both mentors and mentees often face time constraints, making it difficult to establish and maintain a consistent mentorship relationship. Balancing the demands of a high-paced tech environment with the commitment to mentorship requires dedication and planning.

Navigating the Virtual Landscape

With the rise of remote work, traditional mentorship models are evolving. Navigating mentorship in a virtual environment poses unique challenges in building rapport and maintaining engagement. However, it also offers opportunities to connect with mentors and mentees from around the globe, expanding the potential for diverse mentorship relationships.

Best Practices for Mentorship in Tech

Establish Clear Goals

For mentorship to be effective, both parties should establish clear goals at the outset. This clarity helps guide the mentorship process and ensures that the relationship delivers mutual value.

Embrace Flexibility

Flexibility in communication and meeting formats can help accommodate the busy schedules of tech professionals. Whether it’s virtual coffee meetings, email check-ins, or phone calls, finding a method that works for both mentor and mentee is key.

Foster a Culture of Mentorship

Organizations play a significant role in fostering a culture of mentorship. By prioritizing mentorship programs and recognizing the efforts of mentors, companies can create an environment that encourages knowledge sharing and professional growth.


As the tech industry continues to evolve, the role of mentorship in shaping the next generation of women leaders has never been more critical. Figures like Natalie Schubert, CEO of Daida, exemplify the impact experienced professionals can have in guiding, inspiring, and empowering women in tech. Through dedicated mentorship programs, we can build bridges that not only close the gender gap but also enhance innovation and leadership in the technology sector. Mentorship in tech is not just about advancing individual careers; it’s about creating a more inclusive, diverse, and dynamic industry for the future.

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