Sociology is the study of human social behavior. It is a science that deals with the systematic analysis of the structure and function of human society. Sociologists analyze how humans interact with each other, both in groups and as individuals.
Theoretical perspectives are important tools that sociologists use to understand social phenomena better.

Why is Theoretical Perspective Important for Sociology?
The theoretical perspective is essential for sociology because it allows us to understand social phenomena better. We can develop a more nuanced and sophisticated understanding of the social world by understanding the different theoretical perspectives.
This piece will discuss three major theoretical perspectives in sociology: functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Each stance offers a different lens through which to view social phenomena and help us understand both social stability and social change.
What is Functionalism?
A functionalist perspective is a macro-level approach to understanding society. The view focuses on the stability of society and on the institutions that make it up.
Shared Value and Beliefs
Functionalists believe society is held together by social cohesion, created by shared values and beliefs. They also think humanity is organized into different institutions, each with a specific function.
For example, the family is considered a primary institution in society because it socializes children and teaches them the values and beliefs of their culture. Other institutions include the government, education, and religion.
Functionalism and Evolutionary Adaptation
While functionalists see society as stable, they also recognize that change is inevitable. They explain social change as a process of evolutionary adaptation. This means that change happens slowly and gradually as institutions adapt to the needs of the people.
For example, the family has changed in response to evolving needs. In the past, families were large and extended, with many members living together in one household. Today, families are smaller and more nuclear, as people have started to live independently from their extended families.
The Importance of Social Order
The functionalist perspective is also concerned with social order. They see society as a system of interdependent parts that work together to maintain stability and order.
In our family example, functionalists would say that the family is vital because it helps maintain order in society. Without the family, there would be no one to socialize with children and teach them the values of their culture.
What is Conflict Theory?
A conflict perspective is a macro-level approach to understanding society. The philosophy focuses on the unequal distribution of power and resources within society.
Rooted in Marx’s Theory
The conflict perspective has its roots in Karl Marx’s theory of class conflict. Marx believed society was divided into two classes: the bourgeoisie, or the rich, and the proletariat, or the poor. He argued that the bourgeoisie exploits the proletariat and that this exploitation is the root of all social conflict.
The Impact of Inequality and Conflict
Conflict theorists believe that society is characterized by inequality and conflict. They see the community as being divided into different groups, each with its interests. These groups are in competition with each other for scarce resources.
For example, the rich conflict with the poor over resources such as money, land, and jobs. The conflict perspective concerns how these different groups struggle for power and resources.
The Conflict Therorist’s Explanation of Change
Conflict theorists see change as being the result of social conflict. They believe change happens when one group struggles against another for power and resources.
The conflict perspective would explain the Industrial Revolution as a struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie owned the factories and other businesses, while the proletariat worked in them. The proletariat wanted better working conditions and higher wages, while the bourgeoisie wanted to maximize profits. The conflict between these two groups led to social change.
Pessimistic But Powerful
The conflict perspective has been criticized for being too pessimistic. Critics argue that it does not consider the positive aspects of society, such as cooperation and social cohesion. However, the perspective does offer a unique way of understanding culture and social change. Using this perspective, we can better understand society’s unequal distribution of power and resources.
What is Symbolic Interactionism?
The symbolic interactionist perspective, also called symbolic interactions, is a micro-level approach that focuses on how people interact. Symbolic interactionists believe that symbols are used in social interaction to create meaning. This process is known as symbolic interaction.
Meaning Is Created Through Social Interaction
Symbolic interactionism has three main ideas:
- People act toward things based on the meaning they ascribe to them.
- The meaning of things is derived from, or created through, social interaction.
- People define themselves and others through social interaction.
For example, the meaning of a chair is not inherent in the chair itself. Instead, it is created through our interactions with the chair. We might use the chair to sit down, stand on it, or even use it as a weapon. The meaning of the chair is created through our interactions with it.
The Process of Self-Definition
People also define themselves and others through social interaction. We learn about ourselves and others by interacting with them. An example might be interacting with someone who is wearing a shirt with a political message. Through this interaction, we learn something about the person’s political beliefs. We also learn something about ourselves, such as our own political beliefs.
The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective in Sociology
The symbolic interactionist perspective is used in sociology to study social interaction. The perspective is used to understand how people define themselves and others.
For example, people might engage in criminal behavior because they define themselves as criminals. They might also do so because they interact with others who are criminals. The perspective could also help us understand how social movements happen over a shared need for change.
A Tool for Social Interaction
A symbolic interactionist perspective is a powerful tool for understanding social interaction. However, the view has its limitations. The perspective does not consider the role of institutions or biology in shaping social interaction. Additionally, it is confined to micro-level analysis.
Final Thoughts
The three theoretical perspectives discussed offer unique ways of understanding society. We can gain a more well-rounded understanding of society using all three theories. Each perspective has its strengths and weaknesses, so it is essential to use all three when studying sociological phenomena.